Vision and Values


For God's glory, we will be a caring community of disciple-makers proclaiming Christ at every opportunity.

For God’s glory…

First and foremost, our purpose is to glorify God in all that we do. As we assemble on Sunday mornings to sing to Him and hear from His Word, as we support each other in small group settings, as we learn through various educational opportunities, as we support missionaries both local and abroad, and at all times in between, we recognize that the Lord is the provider and sustainer, and all glory and honor belongs to Him.

…we will be a caring community…

We are people from all walks of life and backgrounds, but we all find common ground in Jesus. From single mothers to widows, from grade school to retirement, from Asia to South America, and everywhere in-between, we come together to glorify God and encourage one another. Small groups provide people opportunities to connect with one another to share in the daily and weekly victories and struggles. The staff and deacons are committed to praying for and ministering to the needs of the church body. We also support several ministries devoted to strengthening and supporting the church body, so that we may grow closer to God and one another.

…of disciple-makers…

The Great Commission begins with the phrase “making disciples of all nations”. While leading people to Christ is certainly a goal we strive for, salvation is just the beginning of a new life. Mount Vernon offers members and guests alike a wide variety of opportunities to grow in faith and knowledge of God. Through our active ministries for children, youth, college and career, adult, and seniors, there is a place for everyone to become better equipped to serve the Lord, not as a requirement for salvation, but in response to the love and grace He has shown us.

…proclaiming Christ at every opportunity.

We believe that life is the ultimate mission trip.  Mount Vernon is committed to reaching the nations for Christ through intentional, missional living as individuals, families, and a church body.  We view every interaction with our neighbors as an opportunity to demonstrate the love of Christ and share our faith in word and deed.  Through local outreach initiatives including Mission Raleigh, Vacation Bible School, and summer camps, and global outreach via participation in the Southern Baptist cooperative program, involvement with the North American Mission Board, relationships with specific mission organizations like Alpha International Ministries and Emmanuel Ministries, and commitment to organizing and sending out short-term mission groups from within our own body, we are determined to fulfill the Great Commission.


In pursuit of God’s vision for our faith family to live as a caring community of disciple-makers proclaiming Christ at every opportunity, we affirm and seek to live out the following core values:

Proclaimed Word 

We value the proclamation of biblical truth through our words and actions. (Rom. 10:17; Col. 4:3-6)

Structured Discipleship

We value a disciple-making process that reproduces maturing followers of Jesus. (Mt. 28:18-20; 2 Tim. 2:2)

Purposeful Prayer

We value a spirit of prayerfulness that expresses dependence on God in every area. (1 Tim. 2:1-4)

Multi-Generational, Cultural, Ethnic Community

We value being a Christ-like community that loves across generational, cultural, and ethnic lines. (1 Tim. 5:1-4; Ps. 145; Rev 7:9-10)

Relational Authenticity

We value honesty and integrity in every relationship. (1 Thess. 2:1-12)

Incarnate  Mission

We value living a lifestyle of mission everywhere we go. (Phil. 2:15; 1 Peter 3:15)